Du Quoin Races by Orace Johnson

Contra becket

A1- Balance ring, pass through to an ocean wave
      And balance again, allemande right 3/4 to form long waves (men facing out, women in)
A2- Balance, women cross set to where partner is standing as men turn into the place of the
      woman on their right. Form new long waves with the women facing out and the men in.
      Balance, “rotate” again (men walking across set, women looping around to the right)
B1- Swing partner on the side (the same side you started on)
      Circle left halfway, roll away with a half sashay to trade places with neighbors (across set)
B2- Circle left halfway, roll away with a half sashay to trade places with partners (along set)
      Circle left halfway, and shift left along the set to face new neighbors

To “pass through to an ocean wave," begin to pass through across the set. Ladies catch each other's left hand and
turn just 1/4 as the gents cross all the way, turn right, and take partners’ right hands to form wavy lines-of-4 across.

Source of daqnce notes: http://www.library.unh.edu/special/forms/rpdlw/syllabus2000.pdf

Dance Group: Childgrove Country Dancers (St Louis, MO)
Location: Monday Club in Webster Groves, MO
Band: Playing with Fire (Roger Netherton and Annie Shilliday)
Caller: Martha Edwards