Bryon's Backup by Sharon Green One-person longways set (AABB)
Tune: Hubbub by Bryon Bonnett Recorded Source: The Flying Romanos Take Off
A1. 1-2 Starting on the right diagonal, advance (4)
3-4 Face down, advance (4)
5-6 Face on the right diagonal and advance (4)
7-8 Face down, advance (4)
A2 1-2 All that again, but starting on the left diagonal in bars 1-2 and facing on the left diagonal in bar 5. End in original position but facing down
B1 1-4 Turning 1/4 to the left to face east, dance a left-shoulder back-to-back, at the last moment pulling your right shoulder back to face west
5-8 Fall back in a face en face
B2 1-4 Dance a right-shoulder round once, ending facing up
5-8 Facing up, set right and left, then turn single to the right. Flow into A1