A Separate Peace (Sharon Green, 3/21/20)     Tune: Peace Be With You                        One-person shortways set   AABB
  With gratitude to Fried deMetz Herman, and to Karen Axelrod, whose livestream playing of this tune today inspired me to write this dance pattern.
  A1. 1-2.   Set in place
        3-4.   Dance up as if changing places with a partner (right shoulder). Face down
        5-8    Cross down by right shoulder, loop left to face up
                   (You are dancing an "S" curve, as in Freeford Gardens)
  A2. 1-2.   Set in place
        3-4.  Dance up as if changing places with a partner(left shoulder). Face down
        5-8   Cross down by left shoulder, loop right to face up
  B1. 1-8.   Right shoulder figure eight
  B2. 1-4.   Right shoulder back to back (at end pull right shoulder back to face down)
        5-8.  Right shoulder face en face
        [End facing down. Repeat dance pattern in this direction.]