Rafe's Waltz  by Victor Skowronski
A   1-4:  First corners set to each other, then gypsy halfway to change places.
5-8:  Second corners set to each other, then gypsy halfway to change places.
9-12:  All set to partner, then gypsy with partner halfway to change places.
13-16:  All set to neighbor, then gypsy with neighbor halfway to change places.
1-4:  First couple lead down and turn single away from each other (man to the right, and woman to the left).
5-8:  First couple lead back to place and turn single away from each other (man to the left, woman to the right).
9-12:  All turn partner by the right hand, gradually coming closer to partner.
13-14:  First couple cast down while second couple lead up.
15-16:  All turn single away from partner.

Source of dance notes: http://www.math.uconn.edu/~troby/Skowronski/rafe.pdf