Freeford Gardens by David & Kathryn Wright

Longways Duple (David and Kathryn Wright)
From CDSS Nov Dec 2000

A1  1-4  All set forward to partner, turn single back to place
5-8  All cross with partner r. shoulder (eye contact)
then loop to the left to face partner (improper)

A2  1-8  as in A1 back to place

B1  1-4  1st Cpl half fig. 8 down through 2nd cpl.
5-8  2nd Cpl half fig. 8 UP   through 1ST cpl.

B2  1-4  Circle 4 hands 1/2 way to left, fall back in lines
5-8  partners 2H turn (end proper).

Source of dance notes: