Doctor Vincent's Delight by Charles Bolton
3 couple longways set
A1 Set forward to Ptn, acknowledge, and turn single to place, Ptns RH turn,
A2 Face ptn: Individually, fall bck a double and come forward. Ptns LH turn.
B1 M2 down, W2 up, for RH stars with end couple. All gypsy Ptn Rsh
M2 up, W2 down for LH stars with end couple. All gypsy Ptn Lsh
B2 Take hands in lines of 3: fall back, come forward, and circle 6 to the L halfway.
Back to back with Ptn and cross over Rsh. M2 and M3, W2 and W1 (ie the two top men and two bottom woman) change place backwards along the line, passing Rsh,
as M1 adn W3 turn single R to face in. All have new ptn and new position.