Trip to Harlem
By Bob Green Longways proper
Tune: Drop Me Off in Harlem by Duke Ellington 2/2 Bflat
A1 Up a double and back (8) Back a double and forward (8)
A2 Sliding doors with partner across the set (both facing up, woman passing in front, then catching right hands with partner going back (8) Right hand turn (8)
B1 Clockwise around longways set (4), "High-five" right hand turn halfway w/shadow(4) Unlockwise around longways set (4), "High-five" right hand turn halfway w/partner(4)
B2 Top couple strolls to the bottom, while everyone else moves up one place
Date of video: October 18, 2014
Dance Group: Childgrove English Country Dance
Location: Webstr Groves, MO
Caller: Bob Green
Band: Tu' Penny Players - Martha Edwards(violin), Tim Herzel(flute), and Kristin Graham(piano)