Picking Up Sticks

Part I
  A1 1-8 Partners lead up a double and fall back a double. That again.
  A2 1-4 1st man change places with middle dancer opposite, 
         then with last dancer on his own side. 
     5-8 All lead up a double and fall back a double.
  A3 1-8 1st woman change twice as 1st man did, 
         then all lead up a double and fall back a double.
  A4 1-8 2nd woman, now at top, the same.
  A5 1-8 2nd man, now at top, the same.
  A6 1-8 3rd man, now at top, the same.
  A7 1-8 3rd woman, now at top, the same, 
         ending with all in original place.
  Part II
  A1 1-8 Partners side twice.
  A2 1-2 1st couple take both hands and go four slips 
         down between 2nd couple 
         while they move four slips up outside to the top. 
     3-4 Repeat 1-2, 2nd couple slipping down inside, 1st up outside. 
     5-8 Repeat 1-4.
   (1-8) Meanwhile 3rd couple face, cross and skip around outside 
         of set, cross again at the top and back down to place.
  A3 1-8 3rd and 2nd couples repeat movement, 3rd couple slipping 
         up inside, 2nd couple down outside while 1st couple cross 
         and skip around set.
  Part III
  A1 1-8 Partners arm right, then left. 
  A2-4 1-24  Men's sheepskin hey. 
  A5-7 1-24  Women's sheepskin hey.