Jack's Maggot

Duple Minor Longways Set
Couples face each other. Take hands four from the top of the set. Couple closest to head of the hall is Couple1, other couple is Couple2.

A1    Man1 goes between Woman1 and Woman2 to do a 3 person Hey with  the women. Start by heading around Woman2.
A2    Woman1 goes between Man1 and Man2 to do a 3 person Hey with the men. Start by heading around Man2.

B1    Right-Hand Star (~3/4 around).
B2    Left-Hand Star back to place.

C1    Diagonal1 (Man1, Women2) cross leading left shoulder.
C2    Diagonal2 (Man2, Women1) cross leading left shoulder.

D1    Take hands four and circle clockwise 1/2 way around.
D2    Couple1 drop hands and Casts down to next position while Couple2 (keeping inside hands) leads up into Couple1 position.

Source for dance notes: http://terpconnect.umd.edu/~eowyn/3LF/duple.minor.html?ref=Ozelfanteziler.com