Jenny Pluck Pears

3 couple round

  Hands-6, 8 slips L; set and turn single. Slip back; set and turn single.
  1st man puts partner in by R hand, then 2nd man the same, then 3rd; 
  all honour (women stand back to back in centre).
  Men skip round clockwise, then back anticlockwise. 
  Men (in turn) take partners out by L hand; all honour.
  Side; set and turn single. Repeat.
  Women put men in by L hand; all honour.
  Women skip round men clockwise, then back anticlockwise. 
  Take men out R hand; all honour.
  Arm R; set and turn single. Arm L; set and turn single.
  Men put women in etc. as in first part.

Source of dance notes: