Trip to Tunbridge

(3 couple, longways)

A. Couple1 casts down to bottom of set, "takes a peek" and casts up to top
A. Couple1 leads down center; skipping, same couple lead back and cast to middle place
B. Couple1 passes R. sh. to turn 1st corners R hand
(M1 with W3,W1 with M2); passing R shoulders again,
Couple1 turns 2nd cornerr hand (M1 with W2, W1 with M3)
B. Couple1 passes R shoulders; all face out on own side,
then M1 leads 2nd and 3rd men out a double and falls back while
W1 leads 2nd and 3rd women out a double and falls back. All turn R to face partners.
Repeat for each of other couples.

Source of dance notes: