Irish Lamentation

A1 Take hands 4, all step set 2X to L & R
     1M and 2W turn 2 hands to places
A2  repeat and 2nd corners turn
B1 1-4 all move up set and face own wall (1/2 turn away from partner)
  	   take inside hands on sides for assisted cast up to progress
     5-8  all move down and set and 1st couple assisted cast up to
  	    original places
     9-16 1st couple cross and cast down, 1/2 figure of 8 up thru 2s
  	     who lead up
B2 1-8 Face partner, 4 changes circular hey with hands
    9-16 Ballroom hold, 1s and 2s dance round each other
Source of dance notes:

Date of video: Nov 6, 2011
Dance Group: Fairfolk Contra & English Country Dancing
Location: Fairfield, Iowa
Caller: Joanna Reiner
Band: Members of Bare Necessites - Peter Barnes(winds), Earl Gaddis (violin), and Jacqueline Schwab(piano)