The Physical Snob Longways for Three Couples [C. 1800]
A1 1-8 The 1st woman leads the women round the men.(women join hands)
A2 1-8 The first man leads the men round the women. (men join hands)
B1 1-8 Poussette:
First and second couples change (first man going forward),
First and third couples change (first man going back).
B2 1-8 Poussette back:
First and third couples change (first man going forward),
First and second couples change (first man back).
C1 1-8 First couple cross and continue round the second couple,
cross again in the middle and continue round the third couple
to the bottom of the set.
C2 1-8 Lead up the middle to the top and cast to the bottom of the set.