
The band Ragged Robin is Martha Edwards on fiddle and Billy Boyer on keyboard, sometimes joined by friends.

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These are from a dance Bob Green called for practice before his Southeast tour.

Home with the Girls in the Morning, The Gravel Walk, TheGrowling Old Man and The Grumbling Old Woman

FoxFire, The Wild One! and Three Black Cats 

Tommy's Tarbukas, Dancing Bear, Popcorn Behavior

This is from a Callers Choice dance.

March of the Lost Boys, Paula's Quilt of Life, Cerulean Blue 


This was a dance in June of 2013 at the Monday Club with John Coffman calling. On this night, Ragged Robin was just the two of them, Billy and Martha, though some dancers swore there were more than two.

Click on the video play icon to hear the tunes. You can make it full screen to see the video. Or click on the dance link to see a larger version of the video - plus the dance notes!

Dance: Paula's Promenade
Tunes: Indian Point, Wild One, Three Black Cats



Dance: Downstream
Tunes: Home with the Girls in the Morning, Gravel Walk, Growling Old Man and Grumbling Old Woman


Dance: Girls of St Louis
Tunes: Tommy's Tarbukas, Dancing Bear, Popcorn Behavior


Dance: Rolling in the Dough
Tunes: Angry Carpenter, The More Insanity the Better, Ichabod's Last Ride


Dance: Groundhog Daze
Tunes: Flying Home to Shelley, Lady Ann Montgomery, Troll Soup


Dance: The Edgy Knitter
Tunes: Beth Cohen's, Caliche Creek, Heather's Concussion


Dance: Sama Ana Hannah
Tunes: Hommage a Edmond Parizeau, March of the Coffee Zombies, Music for a Found Harmonium


Dance: Hinton's Circle of Love
Tunes: Reel du Semeur, Reel Saint-Jean, Old Man, Old Woman